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Time does not exist, no more than the absence of time. Yet, we experience time as the growth and ageing of our loved ones, as the movement of a raindrop upon our living room window.
Immersed in a non-existent time, humanity drifts between thoughts of the past and the future, granting each moment only a fickle touch. And still we tag along, tethered to the concept of time, alone or together; we live, we move around, breathe and sigh, rejoice and become angry, reconcile and aspire to mature, together as a family.
In a world without time, the photograph captures what we would call a moment, this mystifying unit that contains the past but always resonates with both the present and what is yet to come.
For his show at i8 Gallery, Orri exhibits photographs that span three decades of his family history. The works form part of a larger piece, to be released shortly in a book with the German publisher Steidl. They effortlessly present the ingredients of everyday existence, beauty without affectation, intimacy without intrusiveness, photography unconscious of an ideological approach or intent; work where the motivation is love of the subject and the urge to remember.
Bypassing chronology, Orri creates an assemblage of photographs of his wife, their children, combined with images of cityscapes and landscapes specific to places where the family has made their home.
This allows for the surfacing of numerous and ever-changing connections between images, locations, realms and different stages of life. With each view of the exhibition, the spectator is invited to sense these connections and reflect on their own lives and family dynamics.
This is an approach to photography in its clearest essence – not rooted in ideology but rather deriving from a perception and curiosity about what it means to go through life as part of a family.
ORRI, Eyja & Þórdís, Ísland 1995, 2018View Detail PageORRIEyja & Þórdís, Ísland 1995, 2018signed and dated on backpigment print on canson infinity platine rag 310g30 x 20 cm
framed: 39 x 29,5 cmEdition of 6 plus 2 artist's proofs -
ORRI, Eyja 1998, 2018View Detail PageORRIEyja 1998, 2018signed and dated on backgelatin silver print15 x 22,5 cm
framed: 24,5 x 31,5 cmEdition of 6 plus 2 artist's proofs -
ORRI, Eyja 2012, 2018View Detail PageORRIEyja 2012, 2018signed and dated on backgelatin silver print30 x 20 cm
framed: 39 x 29,5 cmEdition of 6 plus 2 artist's proofs -
ORRI, Eyja, Cuba 2005, 2018View Detail PageORRIEyja, Cuba 2005, 2018signed and dated on backgelatin silver print20 x 30 cm
framed: 29,5 x 39 cmEdition of 6 plus 2 artist's proofs
ORRI, Eyja, Toronto 2006, 2018View Detail PageORRIEyja, Toronto 2006, 2018signed and dated on backpigment print on canson infinity platine rag 310g30 x 30 cm
framed: 39,5 x 39,5cmEdition of 6 plus 2 artist's proofs -
ORRI, Flóki & Þorri, Toronto 2014, 2018View Detail PageORRIFlóki & Þorri, Toronto 2014, 2018signed and dated on backgelatin silver print30 x 44,5 cm
framed: 39,5 x 54 cmEdition of 6 plus 2 artist's proofs -
ORRI, Flóki 2009, 2018View Detail PageORRIFlóki 2009, 2018signed and dated on backgelatin silver print30 x 44,5 cm
framed: 39,5 x 54 cmEdition of 6 plus 2 artist's proofs -
ORRI, Flóki, Canada 2015, 2018View Detail PageORRIFlóki, Canada 2015, 2018signed and dated on backgelatin silver print30 x 44,5 cm
framed: 39,5 x 54 cmEdition of 6 plus 2 artist's proofs
ORRI, Flóki, Oaxaca 2016, 2018View Detail PageORRIFlóki, Oaxaca 2016, 2018signed and dated on backgelatin silver print20 x 30 cm
framed: 29,5 x 39 cmEdition of 6 plus 2 artist's proofs -
ORRI, Flóki, Seyðisfjörður 2017, 2018View Detail PageORRIFlóki, Seyðisfjörður 2017, 2018signed and dated on backgelatin silver print30 x 20 cm
framed: 39 x 29,5 cmEdition of 6 plus 2 artist's proofs -
ORRI, Flóki, Toronto 2015, 2018View Detail PageORRIFlóki, Toronto 2015, 2018signed and dated on backgelatin silver print30 x 20 cm
framed: 39 x 29,5 cmEdition of 6 plus 2 artist's proofs -
ORRI, Flóki, Toronto 2015, 2018View Detail PageORRIFlóki, Toronto 2015, 2018signed and dated on backgelatin silver print30 x 44,5 cm
framed: 39,5 x 54 cmEdition of 6 plus 2 artist's proofs
ORRI, Flóki, Toronto 2015, 2018View Detail PageORRIFlóki, Toronto 2015, 2018signed and dated on backgelatin silver print30 x 44,5 cm
framed: 39,5 x 54 cmEdition of 6 plus 2 artist's proofs -
ORRI, Ísland 1996, 2018View Detail PageORRIÍsland 1996, 2018signed and dated on backgelatin silver print30 x 20 cm
framed: 39 x 29,5 cmEdition of 6 plus 2 artist's proofs -
ORRI, Ísland 1996, 2018View Detail PageORRIÍsland 1996, 2018signed and dated on backgelatin silver print15 x 22,5 cm
framed: 24,5 x 31,5 cmEdition of 6 plus 2 artist's proofs -
ORRI, Ísland 2011, 2018View Detail PageORRIÍsland 2011, 2018signed and dated on backgelatin silver print30 x 20 cm
framed: 39 x 29,5 cmEdition of 6 plus 2 artist's proofs
ORRI, Kári 2002, 2018View Detail PageORRIKári 2002, 2018signed and dated on backpigment print on canson infinity platine rag 310g15 x 22,5 cm
framed: 24,5 x 31,5 cmEdition of 6 plus 2 artist's proofs -
ORRI, Kári, California 2005, 2018View Detail PageORRIKári, California 2005, 2018signed and dated on backgelatin silver print30 x 20 cm
framed: 29,5 x 39 cmEdition of 6 plus 2 artist's proofs -
ORRI, Kári, Ísland 2003, 2018View Detail PageORRIKári, Ísland 2003, 2018signed and dated on backpigment print on canson infinity platine rag 310g22,5 x 15 cm
framed: 31,5 x 24,5 cmEdition of 6 plus 2 artist's proofs -
ORRI, New York 1994, 2018View Detail PageORRINew York 1994, 2018signed and dated on backgelatin silver print22,5 x 15 cm
framed: 31,5 x 24,5 cmEdition of 6 plus 2 artist's proofs
ORRI, New York 1995, 2018View Detail PageORRINew York 1995, 2018signed and dated on backgelatin silver print15 x 22,5 cm
framed: 24,5 x 31,5 cmEdition of 6 plus 2 artist's proofs -
ORRI, New York 1995, 2018View Detail PageORRINew York 1995, 2018signed and dated on backgelatin silver print22,5 x 15 cm
framed: 31,5 x 24,5 cmEdition of 6 plus 2 artist's proofs -
ORRI, New York 1995, 2018View Detail PageORRINew York 1995, 2018signed and dated on backgelatin silver print22,5 x 15 cm
framed: 31,5 x 24,5 cmEdition of 6 plus 2 artist's proofs -
ORRI, Oaxaca 2016, 2018View Detail PageORRIOaxaca 2016, 2018signed and dated on backgelatin silver print30 x 20 cm
framed: 39 x 29,5 cmEdition of 6 plus 2 artist's proofs
ORRI, Seyðisfjörður 2017, 2018View Detail PageORRISeyðisfjörður 2017, 2018signed and dated on backgelatin silver print20 x 30 cm
framed: 29,5 x 39 cmEdition of 6 plus 2 artist's proofs -
ORRI, Slovakia 2005, 2018View Detail PageORRISlovakia 2005, 2018signed and dated on backgelatin silver print15 x 22,5 cm
framed: 24,5 x 31,5 cmEdition of 6 plus 2 artist's proofs -
ORRI, Slovakia 2005, 2018View Detail PageORRISlovakia 2005, 2018signed and dated on backgelatin silver print30 x 39 cm
framed: 39,5 x 57,5 cmEdition of 6 plus 2 artist's proofs -
ORRI, Toronto 2014, 2018View Detail PageORRIToronto 2014, 2018signed and dated on backgelatin silver print30 x 20 cm
framed: 39 x 29,5 cmEdition of 6 plus 2 artist's proofs
ORRI, Þórdís & Eyja 10. des 1995, 2018View Detail PageORRIÞórdís & Eyja 10. des 1995, 2018signed and dated on backgelatin silver print10 x 15 cm
framed: 24,5 x 31,5 cmEdition of 6 plus 2 artist's proofs -
ORRI, Þórdís & Kári, Oaxaca 2016, 2018View Detail PageORRIÞórdís & Kári, Oaxaca 2016, 2018signed and dated on backgelatin silver print44,5 X 30 cm
framed: 54 x 39,5 cmEdition of 6 plus 2 artist's proofs -
ORRI, Þórdís 2009, 2018View Detail PageORRIÞórdís 2009, 2018signed and dated on backpigment print on canson infinity platine rag 310g30 x 44,5 cm
framed: 39,5 x 54 cmEdition of 6 plus 2 artist's proofs -
ORRI, Þórdís, Ísland 1994, 2018View Detail PageORRIÞórdís, Ísland 1994, 2018signed and dated on backgelatin silver print20 x 30 cm
framed: 29,5 x 39 cmEdition of 6 plus 2 artist's proofs
ORRI, Þórdís, New York 1993, 2018View Detail PageORRIÞórdís, New York 1993, 2018signed and dated on backgelatin silver print20 x 30 cm
framed: 29,5 x 39 cmEdition of 6 plus 2 artist's proofs -
ORRI, Þórdís, New York 1995, 2018View Detail PageORRIÞórdís, New York 1995, 2018signed and dated on backgelatin silver print30 x 44,5 cm
framed: 39,5 x 54 cmEdition of 6 plus 2 artist's proofs -
ORRI, Þórdís, Oaxaca 1993, 2018View Detail PageORRIÞórdís, Oaxaca 1993, 2018signed and dated on backgelatin silver print22,5 x 15 cm
framed: 31,5 x 24,5Edition of 6 plus 2 artist's proofs -
ORRI, Þórdís, Oaxaca 1993, 2018View Detail PageORRIÞórdís, Oaxaca 1993, 2018signed and dated on backgelatin silver print22,5 x 15 cm
framed: 31,5 x 24,5 cmEdition of 6 plus 2 artist's proofs
ORRI, Þórdís, Oaxaca 2016, 2018View Detail PageORRIÞórdís, Oaxaca 2016, 2018signed and dated on backgelatin silver print30 x 20 cm
framed: 39 x 29,5 cmEdition of 6 plus 2 artist's proofs -
ORRI, Þorri, Þingvellir 2013, 2018View Detail PageORRIÞorri, Þingvellir 2013, 2018signed and dated on backpigment print on canson infinity platine rag 310g15 x 22,5 cm
framed: 24,5 x 31,5 cmEdition of 6 plus 2 artist's proofs -
ORRI, Þorri, Toronto 2015, 2018View Detail PageORRIÞorri, Toronto 2015, 2018signed and dated on backgelatin silver print30 x 20 cm
framed: 39 x 29,5 cmEdition of 6 plus 2 artist's proofs -
ORRI, Þorri, Oaxaca 2016, 2018View Detail PageORRIÞorri, Oaxaca 2016, 2018signed and dated on backgelatin silver print30 x 20 cm
framed: 39 x 29,5 cmEdition of 6 plus 2 artist's proofs
ORRI, Þorri, Ísland 2013, 2018View Detail PageORRIÞorri, Ísland 2013, 2018signed and dated on backpigment print on hahnemuhle photo rag baryta74 x 50 cm
framed: 84 x 60,5 cmEdition of 6 plus 2 artist's proofs -
ORRI, Þorri 2014, 2018View Detail PageORRIÞorri 2014, 2018signed and dated on backgelatin silver print20 x 30 cm
framed: 29,5 x 39 cmEdition of 6 plus 2 artist's proofs -
ORRI, Þorri 2013, 2018View Detail PageORRIÞorri 2013, 2018signed and dated on backpigment print on canson infinity platine rag 310g30 x 30 cm
framed: 39,5 x 39,5cmEdition of 6 plus 2 artist's proofs -
ORRI, Þórdís, París 1991, 2018View Detail PageORRIÞórdís, París 1991, 2018signed and dated on backpigment print on canson infinity platine rag 310g15 x 22,5 cm
framed: 24,5 x 31,5 cmEdition of 6 plus 2 artist's proofs
ORRI, Þórdís, París 1991, 2018View Detail PageORRIÞórdís, París 1991, 2018signed and dated on backgelatin silver print22,5 x 15 cm
framed: 31,5 x 24,5 cmEdition of 6 plus 2 artist's proofs -
ORRI, Eyja, Naches 2005, 2018View Detail PageORRIEyja, Naches 2005, 2018signed and dated on backpigment print on hahnemuhle photo rag baryta50 x 74 cm
framed: 60,5 x 84 cmEdition of 6 plus 2 artist's proofs