
With a practice rooted in conceptual, rule-based art, Ignacio Uriarte limits his materials to those readily available in a typical office, such as typewriters, copy paper, and ballpoint pens. Inspired by his years working in business administration, Uriarte creates drawings whose repetitive gestures underscore the banal rhythms of office life.


Ignacio Uriarte (b. 1972 in Krefeld, Germany) lives and works in Valencia, Spain. He studied audiovisual arts at the Centro de Artes Audiovisuales in Guadalajara, Mexico, from 1999 to 2001. Uriarte's recent solo shows include exhibitions at Rolando Anselmi, Rome (2024); Bartha Contemporary, London (2023); Museum Ostwall im Dortmunder U, Dortmund (2022); Nogueras Blanchard, Madrid (2021); Philipp von Rosen Galerie, Cologne (2020); Kunstmusum Reutlingegn Konkret, Reutlingen (2019); Leopold Hoesch Museum, Düren (2018); Kunstmuseum Villa Zanders, Bergisch Gladbach (2015) MARCO, Vigo (2014) Berlinische Galerie, Berlin (2014); UMOCA (Utah Museum of Contemporary Art), Salt Lake City; The Drawing Center, New York City; Skuc gallery, Ljubljana (all 2013); DAZ (Deutsches Architektur Zentrum), Berlin (2012); Sala Rekalde, Bilbao (2011); PICA Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts, Perth (2010) and Laboratorio 987, MUSAC, Leon (2008).

Public Exhibitions

b. 1972 in Krefeld, Germany

Lives and works in Berlin





Audiovisual Arts Studies, Centro de Artes Audiovisuales de Guadalajara, MX



Graduated in Business Administration, University of Madrid and Mannheim, DE





Correspondencias, Gabinete de dibujo, Valencia, Spain
Rechteck, Dreieck, Kreis, Philipp von Rosen Galerie, Cologne, Germany

Zeit/Raum, Rolando Anselmi, Rome, Italy 



Duality, Loom Gallery, Milan, Italy

Drawn to See, Bartha Contemporary, London, Great Britain 



Ingacio Uriarte: Office Work, Museum Ostwall im Dortmunder U, Dortmund, Germany

Sequential operations, GAEP Gallery, Bukarest, Romania



Un Movimiento Circolare, Loom Gallery, Milan, Italy

Campos de texto, Nogueras Blanchard, Madrid, Spain



Meaningful repetitions: Marta Marcé – Ignacio Uriarte, Palma Dotze, Barcelona, Spain

Raumteilungen, Philipp von Rosen Galerie, Cologne, Germany

Secuencias, Sala Polvorín, La Ciudadela, Pamplona, Spain


Three ways to draw and one to call for attention, GAEP Bucharest, Romania
Ignacio Uriarte - 210 x 297 cm, Kunstraum Lakeside, Klagenfurt am Wörthersee, Austria
Verwaltungstakte, Kunstmuseum Reutlingen Konkret, Reutlingen, Germany



X, Y, C, Museo ABC, Madrid, Spain

artissima disegni, Galleria Gentili & Philipp von Rosen, 

Ignacio Uriarte, Rolando Anselmi, Berlin, Germany

Divisions and reflections, i8, Reykjavik, Iceland

Apropos Papier: Ignacio Uriarte, Bürokünstler, Leopold Hoesch Museum Düren, Germany



How to Define Space, White Space, Beijing, China

Gesammelte Schriften, Filsers, Mainburg, Germany

Form und Farbe - Analyse und Synthese, Philipp von Rosen Galerie, Cologne, Germany

Muro e Parete (with Sol Lewitt), Galleria Gentili, Florence, Italy

Tipología de Dibujo Escultórico, Nogueras Blanchard, Madrid, Spain



COFA Contemporary, Cologne, Germany

Four parts divided, i8, Reykjavik, Iceland

Particiones, Ladera Oeste, Guadalajara, Mexico

Disegni Scritti, Rolando Anselmi, Rome, Italy



Tres, Mies van der Rohe Pavillion, Barcelona, Spain

Valores numéricos, L21, Palma de Mallorca, Spain

+ / - (with Fiene Scharp), 401 Contemporary, Berlin, Germany

Bürozeit, Kunstmuseum Bergisch Gladbach, Bergisch Gladbach, Germany

Diagonale Gleichung, Sperling, Munich, Germany



Ignacio Uriarte, White Space, Beijing, China

Unos y Ceros, MARCO, Vigo, Spain

Arbeit auf Papier, Munich RE, Munich, Germany

Acht Stunden zählen, Berlinische Galerie, Berlin, Germany

Ignacio Uriarte, i8, Reykjavik, Iceland

Writing Drawings, Figge von Rosen Galerie, Cologne, Germany

Zona MACO SUR, Nogueras Blanchard, Mexico City, Mexico



Tres Colores, Altxerri, San Sebastián, Spain

Hard Facts, Nogueras Blanchard, Barcelona, Spain

Productive Inefficiency, Galerija Skuc, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Writing, Interisland Terminal, Honolulu, USA

Infinity, The Contemporary, Austin, USA

Binaries, UMOCA (Utah Museum of Contemporary Art), Salt Lake City, USA

Line of Work, The Drawing Center, New York City, USA



Fold Fluctuation, Louis 21, Palma de Mallorca, Spain

Arbeitsraum, DAZ (Deutsches Architekturzentrum), Berlin, Germany

ASDFGHJKLÖ, ABC (Art Berlin Contemporary), Berlin, Germany

Líneas Generales, Et Hall, Barcelona, Spain

Generative Klang- und Zeichenkunst, Sametitled, Berlin, Germany

Sequential Drawings, Galleria Gentili, Prato, Italy

Arbeitsrhythmus, Figge von Rosen Galerie, Berlin, Germany

WORKS, Centre d'Art La Panera, Lleida, Spain





GAEP’s 10th anniversary exhibition, GAEP, Bucharest, Romania Mirades Obertes, Centro Cultural del Carmen, Valencia, Spain

Red, Bartha Contemporary, London, Great Britain

The Green New Deal, Bartha Contemporary, London, Great Britain 



MACBA Collection: Prelude Poetic Intention, Macba, Barcelona, Spain

ENERGIE, Raum Schroth im Museum Wilhelm Morgner, Soest, Germany

The signs for somewhere and elsewhere and here and now, GAEP, Bucharest Gallery, Romania

December Edit, Bartha Contemporary, London, Great Britain

Kafka: 1924, Villa Stuck, Munich, Germany

World Framed, Kupferstichkabinett, Berlin, Germany

Selected works from the Schroth Collection, drj art project, Berlin, Germany

Straight Flush, Philipp von Rosen Galerie, Cologne, Germany

Century. idee Bauhaus, Palais Dubniczay, Veszprém-Balaton, Germany

Personal Showcase, Galerie Rolando Anselmi, Roma, Italy



The Domino Effect 3, GAEP, Bucharest, Romania

Milano Drawing Week, LOOM Gallery, Milan, Italy
Revelacions sobre una esfera informe,
NoguerasBlanchard, Girona, Spain
Les Denaides
, The Bridge by Christian Berst, Paris, France

(UN)COMMON VALUES, National Bank of Belgium counter hall, Brussels, Belgium

Repetitive Forms (Sometimes Singular), Wilhelm Morgner Museum, Soest, Germany




Una historia del arte reciente (1960-2020). Colecciones DKV y Fundación Juan March, Museo de arte abstracto Español, Cuenca

Kein Tag ohne Linie. Werke aus der Sammlung Marli Hoppe-Ritter, Museum Ritter, Waldenbuch, Germany

Works on Paper, Galila’s collection, Musée Juif de Belgique, Brussels, Belgium

A game on orderless and orderliness, 201 space, Nali Patio, Sanlitun, Beijing

All that is solid..., Galerie Georg Notherfer, Berlin
Turno de réplica. Construcción/Composición, Museo Patio Herreriano, Valladolid, Spain

Una historia del arte reciente (1960-2020). Colecciones DKV y Fundación Juan March, Museo de Arte Abstracto Español, Cuenca, Spain



The Domino Effect, GAEP, Bucharest

Grand Opening, Galerie Rolando Anselmi, Rome, Italy

Neu aufgestellt, Kunstmuseum Villa Zanders, Bergisch Gladbach

Papier skulptural, Verein für aktuelle Kunst Ruhrgebiet, Oberhausen, Germany

Km 0: actividades de repliegue, Espacio Cruce, Madrid, Spain

Den Zufall ordnen, Kaiser Wilhelm Museum, Krefeld, Germany

ÉtudeAranya Art Center, Qinuhangdao, China

Das Blatt, Curated Affairs, Düsseldorf, Germany

Wieder und Wieder, Deutsche Gesellschaft für christliche Kunst, Munich, Germany



"la Caixa” Collection of Contemporary Art, Whitechapel Gallery, London, UK

Drawing Positions, Centro de Arte Caja de Burgos CAB, Burgos, Spain
Speaking Images, Fluentum, Berlin, Germany
Drawing Wow, BcmA, Berlin, Germany
Between Them: An Installation composed of Drawings, Holsfeldt Gallery, San Francisco, USA A Day ́s Work, Stiftung für konzeptuelle Kunst, Soest, Germany

A Whitespace Odyssey, White Space Beijing, Beijing, China

Nine Qwerty Bells. Fiction for live voice, Whitechapel Gallery, London, United Kingdom

A Day's Work, Stiftung Konzeptuelle Kunst, Soest, Germany



Mensaje de arecibo 2074, Etopía Centro de Arte y Tecnología, Zaragoza, Spain

Soñando una posibilidad, Fundació Vila Casas, Barcelona, Spain

Measurements, Société, Brussels, Belgium

Dark was the night. Works from the Artists-in-Residence, CCA Andratx, Mallorca, Spain

Black Garden (20 mg de fluoxetina al día), L21, Palma de Mallorca, Spain

The Reconfigured Landscape, Centro Botín, Santander, Spain

Die Zahl als Chiffre in der Kunst, DZ Bank Kunstsammlung, Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Germany is not an island, Bundeskunsthalle Bonn, Germany

Horizonte de sucesos, OTR, Madrid, Spain

La perspectiva esencial, Centro de arte Alcobendas, Madrid, Spain

Borderline Relation, Eastwards Prospectus, Bucarest, Romania

Out of office. Büro-Kunst oder Das Büro im Museum, Städtische Galerie Bietigheim-Bissingen, Germany

Flatland, Nogueras Blanchard, Barcelona, Spain



Every cult its Castle, Sammlung Philara at Spinnerei Leipzig, Germany

K.I. - Künstliche Intelligenz, CRONE, Vienna, Austria

Conversation Piece, La Galleria Nazionale, Rome, Italy

Art and Alphabet, Kunsthalle Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany

FORMASOBREFONDO, Proyectos Monclova, Mexico City, Mexico

Punto de Partida, Ana Mas Projects San Juan, Puertorico

Conversation_Piece, La Galleria Nazionale, Rome, Italy

Tempo líquido, Arquipélago Centro de artes contemporaneas, The Azores, Portugal

Social Geometrism, Kunst am Spreeknie, Berlin, Germany

Out of Office. Büro-Kunst oder Das Büro im Museum, Museum für konkrete Kunst, Ingolstadt, Germany

Loom Gallery Biennale, Loom Gallery, Milan, Italy



Immer.Wieder - Prozess und Wiederholung in der Kunst, Kunstverein Pforzheim, Germany

Concret, nationalmuseum, Berlin, Germany

Q&A, MunichRe, Munich, Germany

Cut, Folded, Pressed & Other Actions, David Zwirner, New York, USA

3/1/1, Zak Branicka, Berlin, Germany

In correspondance with the drawing, Michael Fuchs, Berlin, Germany

Achtung Kulturgut, Die Sammlung Kunst aus Papier, Städtische Galerie Villa Zanders, Bergisch Gladbach, Germany

EchtZeit - Die Kunst der Langsamkeit, Kunstmuseum Bonn, Germany

Point to Line, Jewelvary Art and Boutique, Shanghai, China

Disfonías, Centro Párraga, Murcia, Spain

Forjando el espacio, Colección DKV, Museo del Patrimonio Municipal, Málaga, Spain

Let them draw, Sariev Gallery, Plovdiv, Bulgaria

Modelos Posibles, OTR, Madrid, Spain

Equilibrium, LOOM Gallery, Milano, Italy



Grafización: Bocetos, mapas y partituras: representaciones gráficas para la

Interpretación, Espacio Trapézio, Madrid, Spain

Meditaremos em silêncio a diferença entre nós, Nogeuras Blanchard, Madrid, Spain

Office Space, Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, San Francisco, USA

Plou, neva, pinta, Centre d'art La Panera, Lleida, Spain

Ri-pensare il medium: il fantasma del disegno, Casa Masaccio Valdamo, Italy

Drawing - The bottom line, S.M.A.K. Ghent, Belgium

Take part - Sammlung Schroth, VSU Saarbrücken, Germany

Especies de Espacio, MACBA, Barcelona, Spain

Ceramics and Graphite, Chert, Berlin, Germany

Fuera de Lugar, Design HUB, Barcelona, Spain

Drawing Now, Albertina Museum, Vienna, Austria

Listening to the Lines, Maison Hermès, Tokyo, Japan

Oeuvres, Gallery Slewe, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Á maquina de escribir, Colección Sirvent, Casa das Artes, Vigo, Spain

The Future of Memory, Kunsthalle Wien, Vienna, Austria

A man walks into a bar, Me Collectors Room, Berlin, Germany



Dibujo contemporáneo en la colección DKV, DA2, Salamanca, Spain

Collective Collection, BBB centre d'art, Toulouse, France

Pencil / Line / Eraser, Carroll Fletcher, London, Great Britain

Kunst nach 1945, Lenbachhaus, Munich, Germany

A Private View präsentiert: Die Rocca Stiftung, Autocenter, Berlin, Germany

Contratiempos, Fundación La Caixa, Barcelona, Spain

das Büro / Interferenzen zwischen Kunst- und Wissensraum, Universität zu Köln, Cologne, Germany

Playtime, Lenbachhaus, Munich, Germany

This Page intentionally Left Blank, Akbank Sanat, Istanbul, Turkey

Tiempos Abiertos, Colección Artium, DA2, Salamanca, Spain

Rumor… historias decoloniales en la Colección "La Caixa", Fundación La Caixa, Barcelona, Spain

Una pausa para reflexionar, MUSAC, León, Spain



Analog, BlainSouthern, Berlin, Germany

9915 Miradas íntimas. Dibujos de maestros modernos y contemporáneos en colecciones privadas españolas, Fundación Mercedes Calles - Carlos Ballestero, Cáceres, Spain

Fabula Muta, Casa Massacio, San Giovanni Valdamo, Italy

Not yet titled. Neu und für immer im Museum Ludwig, Museum Ludwig, Cologne, Germany

Regrese Mañana, Estudio Abierto, MAZ, Zapopan, Mexico

El teatro del arte. Colección La Caixa, CAB, Burgos, Spain

Lines / Linien, Kunsthaus Dresden, Dresden, Germany

Works on Paper, i8, Reykjavik, Iceland

Schönheit der Mathematik, Kulturstiftung Schloss Agathenburg, Germany

Trait Papier II Ein Essay zur Zeichnung der Gegenwart, Kunsthalle Palazzo, Liesthal, Switzerland

(IM)MATERIAL LABOUR, Art Exchange, Colchester, Great Britain

Episode 0: Introducing Insitu, Insitu Berlin, Germany

Voyages Intèrieur, Maison Particulière, Brussels, Belgium

For my Eyes only, VJP of Contemporary Art and Design, UGM Maribor Art Gallery, Maribor, Slovenia

System und Sinnlichkeit, Kupferstichkabinett, Berlin, Germany

Drawing Up!, Josée Bienvenu Gallery, New York City, USA

Art Mòbil, Arts Santa Mónica, Barcelona, Spain

Tools of Distorted Creativity, Transmediale, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, Germany

Analogital, UMOCA (Utah Museum of Contemporary Art), Salt Lake City, USA

DIN A33, Louis 21, Palma de Mallorca, Spain

Origo (am Nullpunkt des Standpunkts), Kunsthalle Exnergasse, Vienna, Austria



La imagen especular (Tirar del hilo. Colección ARTIUM), ARTIUM, Vitoria, Spain

Media-Scape Biennale, HDLU, Zagreb, Croatia

Reality Show, Tiziana di Caro, Salerno, Italy

Expanded Drawing 012, Casal Solleric, Palma de Mlallorca, Spain

Each Memory Recalled Must Do Some Violence To Ist Origins, Undisclosed Location, Utah, USA

In the mirror of yourself, ZINK, Berlin, Germany

Not by default - Post Internet Art aus Berlin, DAM, Berlin, Germany

Video/Choreo, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, USA

Hacer el fracaso, Casa Encendida, Madrid, Spain

Circuito Berlín 012, Instituto Cervantes, Berlin, Germany

PICA Salon, Perth Insitute of Contemporary Art, Perth, Australia

Cantastoria, Utah Museum of Contemporary Art, Salt Lake City, USA

Sammlung Schroth, Kloster Wedinghausen, Arnsberg, Germany

Trait papier, un essai sur le dessin contemporain, Musée des beaux-arts, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland

Nymphius Projekte, CCAndratx, Mallorca, Spain

Unterm Strich. Abstract works on paper, Figge von Rosen Galerie, Cologne, Germany

FAX, Utah Museum of Contemporary Art, Salt Lake City, USA

one and the other are another, Ludlow 38, New York City, USA

Sobrescrituras, OTR Espacio de Arte, Madrid, Spain

Letter, Institute for Neo Connotative Action, Detroit, USA




2017  Big Draw, Blueproject Foundation, Barcelona, Spain

2015  Excel Art Workshop, Hermés Japan headquarters, Beijing, Japan

2010  Scribble - the unbearable lightness of scribbling, Municipal Library, Arnsberg, Germany

2010  Scribble seminar, Otras cosas de Villarosas, Barcelona, Spain

2009  Seminar on the square for employees of the city´s Culture and Sports Deparmtent, Sassari, Italy

2008  Coral Terpsícore sings the Windows startup and shutdown melody, Valls, Spain

2007  Sculpture workshop for employees of the public library, Terrassa, Spain

2007  Seminar on the line for employees of the city´s Culture and Sports Department, Terrassa, Spain

2005  Office art workshop for employees of the public library Skibbereen, Ireland




2016  El Poder de la Palabra, Centro Cultural de España, Lima, Peru

2013  Videoabend, galerie januar, Verein zur Förderung junger Kunst, Bochum, Germany

2012  Eloge de Brut, Festival Chhhhhut, La Compagnie, Marseille, France

2012  LOOP, Barcelona, Spain

2012  In the Shadow of the Sun, Kino Babylon, Berlin, Germany

2011  Nuit Blanche, Les Trinitaires, Metz, France

2011  Of Birds and Wires, ShiftFestival, Haus für Elektronische Künste, Basel, Switzerland

2010  FID, 21ème festival international de documentaire du Marseille, Marseille, France

2010  Enlace 48 Cal Cego, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid, Spain

2010  2. AllArtNow Festival, Goethe Institut, Damascus, Siria

2009  P.A.L. (Línea de Acción Permanente), Contemporary 09, Pamplona, Spain

2009  Sztuka Nowych Mediów, Akademia Sztuk Pieknych, Lodz, Poland

2009  13. Marler Videokunst-Preis, ZKMax, Munich, Germany

2009  Archivo de creadores de la comunidad de Madrid, Matadero & ARCO, Madrid, Spain

2008  Cosmopolitan Barcelona, Dia Art Foundation & The Hispanic Society, Nex York, USA

2008  Lingüísticas de la imagen, Casa Asia Barcelona & CIGE art fair, Beijing, China





2021 Neustart Kultur, Stiftung Kulturwerk der VG-Bildkunst

2021 Recidency at  Worlding, London, UK

2020 Sonder-Stipendium der Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa, Kulturpojekte Berlin, Germany

2020 Premio de Adquisición Universidad Nebrija, Madrid, Spain

2019  Prize Acquisition Universidad Nebrija, Madrid, ES Pollock-Krasner Foundation Grant, New York, US

2019  Finalist Montblanc Award We Collect, Madrid, ES

2017  Residency at CCA Andratx, Mallorca, Spain

2014   Shifting Art Foundation, Los Angeles, USA

2013  Arbeitsstipendium Stiftung Kunstfonds, Bonn, Germany

2011  GAC award for the best gallery exhibition in 2010, Barcelona, Spain

2008  Crazy Curators Award, Bratislava Biennial, Slowakia

2008  Fundación Marcelino Botín production grant for visual arts, Santander, Spain

2007  CAM project grant for visual arts, Alicante, Spain

2006  international art price 'Born 2', Galería Casaborne, Antequera, Spain

2006  MUSAC production grant, Leon, Spain

2004 - 2006 Artist in residency at Hangar, Barcelona, Spain




MUSAC, León, Spain

ARTIUM, Vitoria, Spain

ES Baluard Museu, Palma de Mallorca, Spain

Fundación Marcelino Botín, Santander, Spain

Fundación Barrié, La Coruña, Spain

Fundación Helga de Alvear, Cáceres, Spain

Colección Inelcom, Madrid, Spain

Colección del Banco de España, Madrid, Spain

Colección La Caixa, Barcelona, Spain

Colección La Panera, Lleida, Spain

Colección CAM, Alicante, Spain

Colección DKV Arte y Salud, Spain

Colección Meana Larrueca, Madrid, Spain

Colección Cal Cego, Barcelona, Spain

Colección de arte Nebrija, Madrid, Spain

Colección olorVISUAL, Barcelona, Spain

Colección JUMEX, Mexico City, Mexico

Collezione La Gaia, Busca, Italy

Fondazione Fiera Milano, Milan, Italy

FRAC Piemonte, Torino, Italy

FRAC Lorraine, Metz, France

Colecction Laurent Fievet, Paris, France

Galila’s P.O.C., Brussels, Belgium

S.M.A.K., Stedelijk Museum voor Actuele Kunst, Gent, Belgium

Rocca Stiftung, Berlin, Germany

Fluentum Collection, Berlin, Germany

Sammlung Philara, Düsseldorf, Germany

Sammlung Schroth, Soest, Germany

Sammlung Marli Hoppe-Ritter, Waldenbuch, Germany

Sammlung Schering Stiftung, Berlin, Germany

Sammlung zeigenössischer Kunst der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Bonn, Germany

Munich RE Corporate Art, München, Germany

DZ Bank Kunstsammlung, Frankfurt, Germany

Lenbachhaus, Munich, Germany

Berlinische Galerie, Berlin, Germany

Kupferstichkabinett der Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany

Museum Ludwig, Cologne, Berlin, Germany

MKK Museum für konkrete Kunst, Ingolstadt, Germany

Kunstmuseum Villa Zanders, Bergisch Gladbach, Germany

Kunstmuseum Reutlingen / Konkret, Reutlingen, Germany

Kaiser Wilhelm Museum, Krefeld, Germany

Blanton Museum of Art, Austin, USA

The Morgan Library & Museum, New York, USA

M Woods Collection, Beijing, China

HE Art Museum, Foshan, China




2020 Raumteilungen, Philipp von Rosen Galerie, Cologne, Germany

2020 Secuencias, Sala Polvorín - La Ciudadela, Pamplona, Spain

2020 Den Zufall ordnen, Kunstmuseen Krefeld, Germany

2019 Verwaltungstakte, Kunstmuseum Reutlingen – Konkret, Reutlingen, Germany

2017  Form und Farbe - Analyse und Synthese, Philipp von Rosen Galerie, Cologne, Germany

2013  Four Four, Automatic Books, Venice, Italy

2013  Line of Work, The Drawing Center, New York City, USA

2012  Three Hundred Sixty, Automatic Books, Venice, Italy

2011  Four Geometry Sets, The Flames, Barcelona

2011  Works, Sala Rekalde, Bilbao & Centre d'Art La Panera, Lleida, Spain

2011  11 forms, Celje Centre of Contemporary Art Centre & Impress, Celje, Slovenia

2009  An expansion followed by a contraction, Onestar Press, Paris, France

2008  Alfa & Omega, Museu de Valls, Tarragona, Spain